IE6/7 Support for display: inline-block

Setting elements to inline-block can be very useful. By the use of inline-block, there are many design and development issues that are much easier to solve.

The inline-block property affects an element by formatting the inside as a block box, while the element itself is formatted as an inline replaced element. (W3C)

Inline-block was fully supported by Internet Explorer (IE) in version eight, however, most of the world still uses older versions of IE. So, how do we emulate inline-block for IE6 and IE7?

The Code

It's very simple. Choose the element that you want to enable as inline-block and add the following css:

.block2 {
	display: inline;
	vertical-align: middle;
	zoom: 1;

That's all it takes to get the job done in IE6 and IE7. However, other browsers will still not display .block2 as an inine-block element, thus a little more code has to be added.

.block2 {
	display: inline-block;
	*display: inline;
	*vertical-align: middle;
	zoom: 1;

Alright! The standards declaration for inline-block and a few asterisks have been added to make all other browsers interpret the correct code. The asterisks are used to target Internet Explorer 7 and older versions. All other browser fail to recognize the syntax and move on.

The Proof

Now to prove it. The first example shows how an inline element displays inside a block element.

div.block1 { border: 1px solid #f00; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; }
Name's div.block1. My creator can Name's span.block2. My bro is a red div, and I'm a blue span. make any browser behave.

The second example shows the W3C standards method only, and shows the hackless result when viewed in IE6 and IE7.

div.block1 { border: 1px solid #f00; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; }
Name's div.block1. My creator can Name's span.block2. I am inline-block now, well sort of. make any browser behave.

The third example shows the result of display inline-block hack. You will notice no difference unless viewing with IE6 or IE7.

div.block1 { border: 1px solid #f00; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; }
Name's div.block1. My creator can Name's span.block2. I am inline-block for real this time. make any browser behave.

Note: I know that it doesn't make sense to make a span inline for IE6/7 like I did for the third example. Nevertheless, you must make natural block elements inline for this hack.

Reference:, (W3C)